In 33 days...
- We've celebrated every ounce of weight gain, from his smallest 5lbs 7.5oz to a now 8 lb 3.5 ounce vibrant baby boy.
- In 33 days we have been obsessed with his BMs. The daily quantity, the color, the consistency and now simply who's turn it is to make it disappear.
- We've learned that gas can cause an infant to groan like a grown man and that Mylicon truly is a new parent's best friend. STOCK TIP!!! -- Invest in Johnson & Johnson.
- We now know the true joy of owning a digital camera and we've pondered whether or not we should start a new support group, PA, Picture-takers anonymous for other obsessive compulsive parents who attempt to capture every smile, gesture and sleeping moment of baby's day.
Six days ago, Miles woke up from a nap while I was writing this blog entry. It is now 39 days, which brings up a very good next point:
- We've learned that no matter how much we think we are in control, our schedules are managed by a little man who hasn't the slightest idea how to even manage his own bowel movements (could be trouble).
- We've learned to count in minutes instead of hours. Especially with sleep. You see, it's like dog years. 30 minutes of sleep is really over 200 minutes. It's all relative.
- Contrary to conventional thought, there are only 240 minutes in a day, not 1,440. They begin with feeding and end in naps, with a little play time in-between (if you're lucky).
- No, an 80 pack of diapers will NOT last forever (a late apology to all of our friends and family for whom we thought we were doing favors dropping off the 40 pack).
- What??? He can't fit the previous size of diapers anymore? At almost $5/day for diapers we may have just invented the first infant bikini diapers. At least until he uses up the remaining ones in the smaller size.
- Did you know that Pee isn't the only projectile??? Yep, there actually IS a purpose for that sanitary setting on the washing machine.
Having been parents for almost six weeks now, we feel inclined to share these experiences as we have pretty much mastered this childrearing thing (not really). We're professionals (of nothing). We're like Veterans, if you will (for a war that has yet to occur). And the knowledge we now possess is worth more than a little bit.
So we hope you all have listened well because we have made the naysayers into believers. And we have proven why the market price for unsolicited advice will always be, well... free.