Sunday, April 27, 2008

10 months and counting...

Miles is about a week shy of 10 months old. He has changed so much in a couple of weeks and doesn't show any signs of slowing down.

He is a great kid, wonderful personality and is growing up to be quite the young man.

He is picking up weight (finally) and seems to be learning at the speed of light.

And here is the real deal. Be VERY careful what you wish for :)

Seriously, be very very careful.

We are still not sure how he got under the Ottoman

Here's what Miles has been up to in the past few months:
  • Weight: @17lbs & Height: Tall
  • He began pulling up and standing on things early in February
  • He started crawling on his belly during the 2nd week of March
  • He began to crawl on his hands and knees the 4th week of March
  • Yup, his lungs work pretty good. Although he doesn't cry much.
And he continues to stay busy:
  • He's 'crusin' around on anything that will provide a little balance
  • He found the stairs and mastered the bottom step
  • And opens drawers & bangs the cabinet doors (mental note: baby-proof the house)
  • He can say "ma-ma" & "da-da" and someone or something around here is "bah-bah"
  • Two teeth are about 3-4 days from becoming dangerous weapons
We're working on catching a football, but he pretty much uses his face for that. Might work on the hand-eye coordination and revisit that one later.

One last picture with Grandad

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Here's Miles...

This was my first meal in the high chair (unfortunately). Just when I was beginning to like them, too.

My very first Christmas!!!

Dad, Mom and me with my first Christmas tree

I can pretty much manage on my own now. Got my toy and my T.V... I'm good.

You gotta start small. Next football season, I'll be on the big couch with pap.

Finally, a descent meal in the high chair.

Who knows, there actually may be hope for mom and dad after all.