Thursday, June 21, 2007

Name That Baby!!!

In six short weeks we will make a decision that will stick for the rest of our lives.

In the beginning we shared some of our ideas with friends and family. But after several weird faces and references to namesakes that we have never met, we agreed that it was best to keep the name tight-lipped until we see him. We would hate for someone to have to think of their ex-boyfriend's, roommate's, neighbor's, daughter's crazy school teacher (who is still serving time for credit card fraud and peeping) each time they heard junior's proposed name.

In an effort to avoid naming him under pressure, we decided to come up with several combinations to take with us to the hospital. While the doctor is showing us our good work, we will be looking through the menu to see what's on tap for the boy's future.

We have had a good deal of suggestions and they range from strong possibilities to flat out entertaining. It 's just about set in stone so show us what'cha got! Can you guess what his name will be???

(Each blog entry has it's own comment section. Be sure to click "comments" under the blog entry that you comment on)


Unknown said...

My choice for my grandsons name is

Isaiah Alexander Ware or Joshua Issac Ware.

Check the meaning of Ishmel (and what his life was)

Crissy said...

How about a good, hearty pirate name. Bloody Jim or Calico Jack perhaps? I do know that I can't wait to meet him!

Anonymous said...

No brainer...Cliff, throw some Colt 45 and/or OE in the bottle and dress him with a long white T-shirt extending slightly beyond the fringes of the diaper.

Anonymous said...

Easy enough...Kirby. It is only fitting to name him after the best baseball player that ever lived. Bob Costas did.

E'ny came in a close second for me.


Anonymous said...

Whatever his name, he will be a prince! Camryn can't wait to meet her God brother.
